
Siemens Healthcare Webshop Help Repository
Templates: Frequently ordered products/Placing large orders

If you order the same materials frequently or if you order many materials in one order, you can utilize the order template or file upload functionality to save time. By using either function, you can add materials from template or file directly into shopping cart with a click of a button. This eliminates the need for adding one product at a time to the shopping cart for each order.

How to Create a Template: To use the template functionality, you will first need to create the template with the products of interest. There are three ways to create a template.

Create Template Method 1:

  1. Navigate to Order Templates tab in My Orders from the Homepage.

  2. Click the Create New button. Provide an appropriate title for the template and click Ok

  3. Select the Sold-To and Ship-To location that you wish to use for placing orders against using this template.

  4. Use the Search for Products text box to enter the Siemens material number or description of the product.

  5. Select the item from the list provided and click Add to Template.

  6. Adjust the quantity of the item as needed.

  7. Repeat steps 4 thru 6 for additional products that you would like to add to the template.

  8. Once all of the products are added to the template, review the template, adjust if necessary, and click Create located at the bottom of the page.

  9. You will be asked for a confirmation to save the template. Click Ok.

Create Template Method 2:

  1. Add all desired products to the Shopping Cart.

  2. Once all of the products are added to the Shopping Cart, review the products and quantity, adjust if necessary, and click Save as Template located at the bottom of the page.

  3. A popup message will appear asking for a template title. Provide an appropriate template title and click Ok.

  4. You will automatically be navigated to the Order Templates tab in My Orders. The template will be populated with header information and the products you had previously added.

  5. Review the header information and ensure that the correct Sold-To and Ship-To combination along with the desired shipping method is set.

  6. Click Create button at the bottom of the page.

  7. You will be asked for a confirmation to save the changes. Click Ok.

Create Template Method 3:

  1. Create and place the order for the desired products.

  2. Navigate to Order Status tab in My Orders.

  3. From the list of all available orders, click on the order created in step 1.

  4. Click the Save As Template button from the bottom of page

  5. A popup message will appear asking for a Template Title. Provide an appropriate template title and click Ok.

  6. You will automatically be navigated to the Order Templates tab in My Orders. The template will be populated with header information and the products you had previously added.

  7. Review the header information and ensure that the correct Sold-To and Ship-To combination along with the desired shipping method is set.

  8. Click Create button at the bottom of the page.

  9. You will be asked for a confirmation to save the changes. Click Ok.

How to place an order using a template:

  1. Once you have created template, simply navigate to Order Templates tab in My Orders and click on the appropriate template from the list of all available templates.

  2. Click on Order Now button from the header section.

  3. All products from the template will be added to the shopping cart and you will be navigated to the shopping cart.

  4. Continue with the ordering process.

Note: If you have products in your shopping cart prior to adding products from a template, a popup message will appear asking which action you want to take regarding the products in the shopping cart. You will be able to discard the products in the shopping cart or merge the products in the template and the shopping cart.

How to generate a file for creating an order using file upload:

  1. Add all desired products to the Shopping Cart.

  2. Once all of the products are added to the Shopping Cart, review the products and quantity, adjust if necessary.

  3. Click Export button from the bottom of the page and select CSV from the list of file types.

  4. Save the file with the desired name to the appropriate location on your computer or network drive.

How to place an order using Add Local Order file:

  1. Navigate to My Cart and click on Add Local Order File button.

  2. Select previously saved file by browsing to the file location on your computer or network drive.

  3. Products from the file will be added to the shopping cart.

  4. Continue with the ordering process.

Note: If you have products in your shopping cart prior to adding products from a local file, a popup message will appear asking which action you want to take regarding the products in the shopping cart. You will be able to discard the products in the shopping cart or merge the products in the local file and the shopping cart.