
Laboratory Diagnostics Products, Italy
Siemens Healthcare Webshop Help Repository
Submitting Usage Data to Siemens

After you have your file formatted correctly and saved, you must perform the following steps to submit your result file to Siemens through eLuminate

  1. From the Webshop Homepage, click on the “eLuminate” tab at the top of the page.

  2. Click on the “Submit a Usage File” Tab.

  3. Enter your Purchase Order Number.

  4. Enter the Start Date of your eLuminate Usage File (The End Date will automatically populate).

  5. Click on the “Browse” button to search your computer files for the eLuminate Usage File that you need to submit.

  6. Select the file name you need to upload and click open.

  7. Click on the “Upload eLuminate File” button to continue with your eLuminate Submission.

  8. Your Usage File will appear on the next screen.

  9. Review the results for accuracy and correct mapping.

  10. Once you have reviewed the data, click on the “Continue Submission” button to continue your submission. (If there are any discrepancies in any of your mappings, check the item dispute box for that item and include the correct mapping in the provide text area.).

  11. The next screen will confirm the pricing and invoice total of your eLuminate Usage File.

  12. Please review the eLuminate submission for accuracy in quantity, unit price, and total prices. If there are discrepancies in your unit price, check the “price dispute” for that item and include an explanation of the discrepancy in the text area provide.

  13. Once you have reviewed your submission, click on the “Submit eLuminate Data” button to submit your file for invoicing.

  14. Your confirmation screen will now appear containing a reference number for the file submission.

  15. Your confirmation page can be printed or saved as an electronic copy for your records.