
Laboratory Diagnostics Products, Italy
Siemens Healthcare Webshop Help Repository
Viewing and Understanding Your Reports

By utilizing eLuminate to submit your test results to Siemens, a number of reports are available for you to view at any time. To view the reports and data available to you, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Webshop Homepage, click on the “eLuminate” tab at the top of the page.

  2. You will then see tabs for the following reports that are available to view, export or print.

    • Track Submission Status

    • Submission History

    • Analyze Usage & Results

    • Mappings


Track Submission Status Report

This report displays the status of your submission within the date range specified. This report can be used to identify any past due or pending submission files. You also have the ability to download the data into an excel spreadsheet or print it using the Printer Friendly Version Link.


Submission History Report

This report displays a list of all submissions within the date range specified. From this report you have the ability to drill down into a specific submission (Using the “Siemens Reference #” field) to view or print the test detail for that particular submission. The Submission History Report includes the quantity and pricing of prior eLuminate submissions. You also have the ability to download the data into an excel spreadsheet or print it using the Printer Friendly Version Link.


Analyze Usage & Results

Utilize the “Results Report” option to generate a summary report at the test level for any specified date range. Each reported results summary generated will display a summary of the result total quantity and total price of each test selected or submitted within the date range you specified.

Utilize the “Usage Report” option to view your CPPR usage within the date range specified. This report will provide you with the number of results reported, assays shipped, amount invoiced, and efficiency performance at the assay level.



This report displays a list of all your LIS acronyms along with the associated Siemens catalog number and description as well as the date the mapping went into effect. It is very important to review and confirm your eLuminate mappings on a periodic basis to ensure all LIS Acronyms are mapped to the correct Siemens catalog numbers.