
Siemens Healthcare Webshop Help Repository
Submission File Formatting

To use eLuminate you must retrieve your usage file from your LIS and save it in the required format. Below are the instructions for formatting your eLuminate submission file. Depending on the file format your LIS provides (Word document, Text document, etc.), your file generation process may vary. If you need assistance, please contact Siemens eLuminate Specialist Team.

File Format Required for Submission

The file you submit to Siemens through eLuminate must be in the following format:

  • File type must be .CSV (for example, CPRUploadfile.csv)

  • File must only contain the three columns shown below (with NO column headings)

Column A: LIS Instrument Code

Column B: Your LIS Acronym/test name

Column C: Total Result Counts to be reported

  • If you need any assistance using Microsoft Excel® to adjust the format of your file, please contact the Siemens eLuminate Specialist Team


After the submission file is generated in the correct format, you will need to save the file using the following steps.

  1. Click on File (located in the top left corner of Excel).

  2. Select “Save As” from the list shown under the File menu.

  3. Use the field marked “Save in” choose a location to save the file on your computer. (You may want to note where you save the file.).

  4. Type in a name for the file (The file name cannot contain any spaces.).

  5. In the field “Save as Type”, choose CSV (Comma delimited) in the drop down list.

  6. Lastly, click “Save”. Now you are ready to submit your file.